The OneDesk Blog
Catch up on new features, tips on how to use OneDesk, and much more.
How to recover a project scheduled for deletion
Projects within OneDesk have a built-in buffer period between when you choose to delete them and when they are actually deleted. When you choose to delete a project, the item
Automatically update a successor item when predecessor is marked complete
OneDesk’s workflow automations are a powerful tool, allowing for deeply customizable ways to streamline your workflow. One useful workflow automation is updating an item’s successors when the predecessor item’s lifecycle
Automatically update parent state from subtask state
Note: You can configure your subtask rollup options from your company preferences. It is not necessary to use workflow automations. OneDesk’s workflow automations are a powerful tool, allowing for deeply
Widget Configuration
The widget provides a simple, one-off integration with your website. Once integrated, you can configure the widget from your OneDesk without any additional updates to your website. The widget gives
How an External IT Firm uses OneDesk to Customize their Ticketing System and Project Management
On the surface it may seem like every organization’s support services are very similar and follow the same steps and processes. In reality, there are various different setups that companies
Filtering tickets created via auto-forward
Tickets can be auto-forwarded from your support email to a OneDesk ticket creation email. When this happens, a ticket is captured in OneDesk containing the subject of the email, the
Re-authentication Settings: Force Users to Log-Out After Inactivity
In OneDesk, you can force users to reauthenticate after prolonged periods of inactivity. This setting is intended for security purposes, and, by default, is turned on. Users will be logged
Best Practices for Creating Custom Views
Aside from your system (base) layouts, custom views allow you to display your data in unique, dynamic ways. Custom views are available in all the main OneDesk sections: tickets, tasks,
Modify & Create Email Templates in OneDesk
OneDesk includes automated email templates to assist you in communicating with your users and customers. These email templates are completely customizable – you can edit the existing templates as you see
RELEASE NOTES: OneDesk OCT 2021 Part 2
The second October 2021 release of OneDesk went live on October 30th 2021 and included the following new features and enhancements. Simpler Workflows for Services Companies Many of the companies