The OneDesk Blog
Catch up on new features, tips on how to use OneDesk, and much more.
Using the Report Creation Wizard
We have released an update to the report creation interface. This a big step forward for non-technical users to be able to generate and schedule the reports they need. While
Credit Management Case Study
For organizations that provide services and support to other companies, it is crucial that they stay on top of their client’s requests. When they charge for their time spent, it
How a hair product distributor uses OneDesk to manage their helpdesk
For any business that provides a service, they are bound to be faced with support requests and inquiries. In these situations, having a helpdesk to track and manage these requests
New in OneDesk, August 2020 – Custom fields get an upgrade
At OneDesk we’ve been working on some big exciting new features, but at the same time we have been making updates to OneDesk with a few smaller, but very useful
How a branding agency utilizes OneDesk’s project management features
As small businesses grow and acquire new customers and users, their work management needs also grow. For agencies that offer multiple, different services, it’s challenging keeping track of every piece
How a Network Services Company Uses OneDesk’s Portal
Finance aside, the majority of business challenges faced by management teams are deeply rooted in a need to build customers’ trust in the brand or to improve operational efficiency. The
New in OneDesk: Custom fields on timesheets, gantt enhancements, & more
The latest updates to OneDesk introduced the following new features and enhancements. New Report Wizard (beta): We have released an update to the report creation interface. Now the user is
How to deal with neglected tickets
Do you want to make sure that no tickets fall through the cracks? With OneDesk it is easy to auto-assign incoming tickets to ensure that every ticket is assigned to
Automatically assigning incoming tickets to your team
OneDesk has many tools that will make your life easier – every day. One way OneDesk does this is by automating ticket-assignments so that your team can get to work
How a Digital Solutions Retailer Uses OneDesk Project Management Feature
There was once a time when marketing was mostly about handing out flyers and placing radio adverts. Marketing has come a long way since then, and even digital marketing has