The OneDesk Blog
Catch up on new features, tips on how to use OneDesk, and much more.
Single Sign-On (SSO) for your users in OneDesk
OneDesk allows you to set up single sign-on (SSO) to permit your users to log in using their existing credentials. If the user does not exist, once they log in
How a cloud services company uses workflow automations to track parts in the supply chain
As companies and teams become more and more distributed, communication only becomes more important. For organizations that deal with finance matters, this is only more true. There is no room
How to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) for your customer apps in OneDesk
You may want to have your customers be automatically logged in to your OneDesk customer apps whenever they are on your site and authenticated with your own systems. OneDesk supports
Linking to other items in conversations using the # sign
In OneDesk you will find yourself frequently discussing tickets and tasks. Sometimes this conversation will be on the actual item, but often you will want to refer to a different
Use the @ symbol to add users or customers to conversations in OneDesk
The December 2019 release of OneDesk added the ability to use the @ symbol in conversations in OneDesk. Most of you will be familiar with this type of method to
What’s New in the December 2019 Release of OneDesk
The December release of OneDesk is a big one with a list of significant improvements and new features. It went live on December 10th 2019. Improvements to Project Sharing More
How a childcare software provider uses OneDesk for CRM, project management, and support
Across the worlds of CRM, project management, and support work, there are a multitude of different tools and software that can be used. In some cases where departments are large
How an Engagement Software company utilizes custom field features & types of tickets to organize different projects
When setting up meetings, pitches, training, and events, the ideal manager makes a special effort to deliver an immersive experience by evaluating, tracking, and evaluating the audience’s level of engagement
Monitoring outgoing email & email capturing in OneDesk
If your job is to manage an end-user or customer support organization, one thing you really need a handle on is the flow of support emails into, and out of,
OneDesk Case Study – Local Government
In this day and age, all aspects of life are progressively going online. This extends to even behemoths of organizations such as governments. Historically, governments have often lagged behind in