The OneDesk Blog
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A Project Should Be a Playground, Not a Battlefield
With so many technologies available to us, it’s become easy to take fresh ideas and turn them into real, concrete projects. Oftentimes, these start as passion projects, which have a

Let your project management help you with talent management
The concept of project management focuses around the organization of tasks, from the assignment of them down to the timeline of completion. Because projects are temporary endeavours, you need to

Organize your clients into levels: the key to helpdesk management
Let’s be honest, not all clients are created equal. That might sound mean or elitist but it is actually kind of true. Even for a small business, large clients, or

Get smart, don’t do basic helpdesk: go the extra mile.
Get smart, don’t do basic helpdesk: go the extra mile. Don’t send an email when they say they have trouble with their email service. Don’t send them a notification to

Make your jargon (business language) into English
Ever skipped through a Terms of Service (ToS) agreement? Ever glossed over the amazing facts printed on some random box of electronics? Ever read the entire description of a business

A Product Idea Comes From All Places, Not Just the Same Industry
Developing new ideas is something that a lot of developers fail to do on a consistent basis. So many developers who are successful often find themselves resting on their laurels.
What Should You Choose a Soft or a Hard Product Release
What Should You Choose: a Soft, or a Hard Product Release? Developers utilize the expressions “soft release” and “hard release” to portray two marketing techniques when conveying a product to

Find New Talent; Get New People In to Help
When it comes to creating a great Product management team, there are many things you will want to think about. One of the best ways to do this is to
Project Management Must Haves 05: Project Quality
Over the course of this series of articles, we’ve gone over a whole bunch of project management areas, and now you are confident in dealing with project integrations, scope, time,

So Your Product Isn’t Working, Salvage It
So Your Product Isn’t Working, Salvage It The fact of the matter is that most developers need to be a success, it’s in the business model. The issue with this