9. Business Solutions Articles – OneDesk Software

How to use OneDesk’s Requirement Application

Among the many integrated features built into OneDesk, is a powerful set of requirement management and analysis tools that let you be flexible and maintain control over your product requirements. As part of our new series of use cases, here’s a short video examining how to use OneDesk’s requirement application: You can view more videos […]

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Innovations systems: the measure of getting metrics from the unmeasurable

Innovations systems: the measure of getting metrics from the unmeasurable When things get hard to measure against conventional metrics, boardrooms can lose patience, and projects making valuable inroads can meet with their maker still far short of their goals. Innovation, finding that Eureka moment, is a process very hard to put on a chronological –

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Product Roadmapping: See what tomorrow looks like today

Product roadmapping gives your team precious certainty in an otherwise uncertain world. Living in our fast-paced, hyper-connected, always-on and ever-changing world, it can be a challenge to find a firm position to prop your back against and take in precisely how the whirring of the cogs at hand, fit into the picture of the bigger

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We’ve been featured on Innovation Excellence!

We are thrilled to announce that we have been featured on Innovation Excellence today! Our recently published article, Customer-Centric Model for Product Innovation, discusses some of the important elements involved in building a customer-centric model for product innovation. (Hint: One of these elements is a deep level of customer involvement.) Thank you to Mari Anixter

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Five Software Requirements Process Facilitation Tips

Having an efficient software requirements process is crucial to your development process. Before working on any requirements, it’s important to ensure that they are all clear, accurate and complete. This way, you can be sure that the requirements you choose to implement will meet your customers’ and team members’ expectations. Here are five tips that

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