1. How to use OneDesk

Automatically update a successor item when predecessor is marked complete

OneDesk’s workflow automations are a powerful tool, allowing for deeply customizable ways to streamline your workflow. One useful workflow automation is updating an item’s successors when the predecessor item’s lifecycle changes. In other words, this automation will start a task when another finishes. Note: For subtasks, you can configure subtask rollup without using workflow automations. […]

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Automatically update parent state from subtask state

Note: You can configure your subtask rollup options from your company preferences. It is not necessary to use workflow automations. OneDesk’s workflow automations are a powerful tool, allowing for deeply customizable ways to streamline your workflow. One useful process is the ability to update the lifecycle status of your tickets or tasks when subtasks within

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Widget Configuration

The widget provides a simple, one-off integration with your website. Once integrated, you can configure the widget from your OneDesk without any additional updates to your website. The widget gives customers access to several customer applications, displayed as tabs within the widget. These apps are: the messenger, portal, webforms, and knowledgebase. How to Embed the

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Re-authentication Settings: Force Users to Log-Out After Inactivity

In OneDesk, you can force users to reauthenticate after prolonged periods of inactivity. This setting is intended for security purposes, and, by default, is turned on. Users will be logged out after 3 consecutive hours of inaction. This setting can be turned off if you so choose. Accessing and changing the re-authentication settings To access

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Modify & Create Email Templates in OneDesk

OneDesk includes automated email templates to assist you in communicating with your users and customers. These email templates are completely customizable – you can edit the existing templates as you see fit, or create entirely new templates to suit your needs. Automations can then be applied to utilize your templates, allowing for a streamlined communication process

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Multi-language Support

OneDesk currently supports up to 14 languages (български, Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Netherlands, Norsk Bokmål, Português, русский, Svenska, 中文) with the ability to select the preferred language separately at the company level, user (agent) level, or customer level. When choosing a new language, the change occurs to the OneDesk interface but not

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Linking items & linked item relationships in OneDesk explained

In OneDesk, you can create and identify links between tickets. This allows you to easily access related items and label them to determine their relationship. You can easily flag duplicate work, identify the priority for sequential work items, and more. You are also able to create task dependencies that identify predecessor and successor relationships, from

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