Mobile App

Communicate, collaborate, and work — from anywhere.

mobile tickets list view

Mobile ticket and task management

OneDesk lets you access your daily work through a mobile app. It is available for iOS as well as Android. Connect to your OneDesk account. Your team can conveniently access their conversations, tickets and tasks (items) on the go.

Here are some of the things you can do through the OneDesk mobile app:

  • Access & update your assigned items
  • Log hours on your work items with timers & timesheets
  • Engage in discussions with your team and customers on followed items
  • Reply to customers & colleagues
  • Create new items

Learning resources

Explore how to use the features of the mobile app.

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What are agents able to access and do from their mobile device?

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Agents can also make use of the mobile responsive OneDesk to do their work.

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