Filter Options

Filter Options in OneDesk

OneDesk gives you the ability to create custom views that can filter the information you see in your OneDesk application window, allowing you to view only what you need when you need it. The OneDesk view creation tool lets you create and save these custom views with the specified filter options so that you can use them later on.

Filter Options for Items

When first creating a custom view, you can select to filter by a property. OneDesk offers many options for you to select from. See the table below to view the possible filter options for items. Note that some of these properties have customizable selections.

Please make sure to save your custom view so you are able to access it later on or share it with other users.

PropertyProperty DefinitionFilter OptionsYour Selection
NameThe given name of an item.• Contains
• Doesn’t contain
[enter text]
PriorityThe priority level of an item.• Is
• Is more than
• Is less than
• 0 stars
• 1 star
• 2 stars
• 3 stars
• 4 stars
• 5 stars
AuthorThe user or customer who created the item.• Is
• Is not
Search for an item author from your user or your customer base.
DescriptionThe description of the item.• Contains
• Doesn’t contain
[enter text]
TypeThe type of item (e.g. task, ticket, bug, issue, etc.).• Is
• Is not
• Task
• Ticket
• [other item type]
SourceWhere the item was created from (e.g. from an email).• Is
• Is not
• Customer portal
• Email
• Imported
• Manually entered
Published on portal y/nIf the item is published on the portal or not.• Is
• Is not
• Yes
• No
ProjectThe internal projects you created/named.• Is
• Is not
[select project]
Satisfaction RatingThe satisfaction rating given by a customer.• Is
• Is not
• Bad
• Good
Incoming email queueThe auto-forwarded email that created this item.• Is
• Is not
[select email queue name]
Actual percentage completeThe percentage of completion on an item.• Is
• Is more than
• Is less than
[enter number]
Lifecycle statusThe customizable status of a particular item type’s lifecycle.• Is
• Is not
[customizable options]
• Reopened
• Closed
• In progress
• Open
Lifecycle stateOne of three set states of an item’s lifecycle.• Is
• Is not
• Not started
• In progress
• Finished
Assigned y/nIf an item is assigned or unassigned.• Is• Yes
• No
AssigneeA user in OneDesk assigned to work on an item.• Is
• Is not
[select assignee]
Assignee teamThe team of OneDesk users assigned to work on an item is.• Is
• Is not
[select assignee team]
#FollowersThe number of followers of an item.• Is
• Is more than
• Is less than
[enter number]
Follower (individual)The individual user or customer that receives messages regarding the item.• Is[select user or customer name]
Follower (organization)The user team or customer organization that receives messages regarding the item.• Is[select user team or customer organization]
Requester (individual)The individual that requested an item.• Is[select user or customer name]
Requester (organization)The user team or customer organization that requested an item.• Is[select user team or customer organization]
Requester emailThe email of the requester of an item (• Contains[enter text]
Requester typeThe type of requester of an item (user or customer).• Is
• Is not
• User
• Customer
Has conversation y/nIf the item has a conversation attached to it, either internal conversation with users or external with customers.• Is
• Is not
• Yes
• No
Last conversation typeThe type of conversation attached to an item, either internally with users or externally with customers.• Is
• Is not
• Public reply
• Internal message
Last MessageThe messages attached to an item.• Contains[enter text]
Last responder typeThe type of responder who last replied in an item's conversation.• Is
• Is not
• User
• Customer
In SLA y/nIs the item attached to or dependent on an SLA.• Is• Yes
• No
Next SLA breachThe time in which you will be violation of the next policy on a specific item.• Is less than[enter number] minutes
Is certain SLAIs the item attached to or dependent on certain SLAs.• Is
• Is not
[SLA name]
Actual workThe actual work time that has been logged on an item.
• Is
• Is more than
• Is less than
[enter number]
Timer runningIf an item has a timer running.• Is
• Is not
• Yes
• No
Agile pointsThe agile points assigned from your predetermined scale.• Is
• Is more than
• Is less than
[enter number]
Has timesheetsThe item has timesheets submitted to it.• Is
• Yes
• No
Has attachmentThe item has a file attached to it.• Is
• Yes
• No
Creation dateThe creation date of an item.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
• 24 hours ago
• 7 days ago
• 30 days ago
• 90 days ago
• Custom date
Last modified dateThe last date on which an item has been modified.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
• 24 hours ago
• 7 days ago
• 30 days ago
• 90 days ago
• Custom date
Last close dateThe last date on which an item's lifecycle state has been changed to 'closed'.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
• 24 hours ago
• 7 days ago
• 30 days ago
• 90 days ago
• Custom date
Planned start dateThe planned start date of an item.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
• 24 hours ago
• 7 days ago
• 30 days ago
• 90 days ago
• 24 hours from now
• 7 days from now
• 30 days from now
• 90 days from now
• Custom date
Planned finish dateThe planned date of completion of an item.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
• 24 hours ago
• 7 days ago
• 30 days ago
• 90 days ago
• 24 hours from now
• 7 days from now
• 30 days from now
• 90 days from now
• Custom date


Filter Options for Projects

See the table below to view the possible filter options for projects. Note that some of these properties have customizable selections.

Please make sure to save your custom view so you are able to access it later on or share it with other users.

PropertyProperty DefinitionFilter OptionsYour Selection
NameThe given name of a project.• Contains
• Doesn’t contain
[enter text]
AuthorThe user or customer who created the project.• Is
• Is not
Search for a project author from your user base.
DescriptionThe description of the project.• Contains
• Doesn’t contain
[enter text]
Project TypeThe type of project from the types that are enabled.• Is[customizable options]
• Release
• Iteration
• Sprint
PortfolioPortfolio the project is in.• Is[choose from portfolios]
Lifecycle statusThe customizable status of a particular project type’s lifecycle.• Is
• Is not
[customizable options]
• Completed
• In progress
• Backlog
• In planning
• Unscheduled
Lifecycle stateOne of three set states of a project's lifecycle.• Is
• Is not
• Not started
• In progress
• Finished
Follower (individual)The individual user or customer that receives messages regarding the project.• Is[select user or customer name]
Follower (organization)The user team or customer organization that receives messages regarding the project.• Is[select user team or customer organization]
Creation dateThe creation date of a project.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
• 24 hours ago
• 7 days ago
• 30 days ago
• 90 days ago
• Custom date
Due DateThe set due date for a project.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
[choose from calendar]
Actual workThe actual work time that has been logged on a project.• Is
• Is more than
• Is less than
Has attachmentThe file attached to a project.• Is• Yes
• No


Filter Options for Activities

See the table below to view the possible filter options for Activities. Note that some of these properties have customizable selections.

Please make sure to save your custom view so you are able to access it later on or share it with other users.

PropertyProperty DefinitionFilter OptionsYour Selection
TypeThe type of information container (e.g. project, user, etc.).• Is
• Is not
• Items
• Project
• Portfolio
• User
Activity TypeThe type of activity that has been performed within OneDesk.• Is
• Is not
• Updated name
• Changed the Description
• Changed the priority
• Updated agile points
• Updated estimation type
• Updated type
• etc.
Follower (individual)The individual user or customer that receives messages regarding an item.• Is[select user or customer name]
Creation dateThe date when an activity has taken place.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
• 24 hours ago
• 7 days ago
• 30 days ago
• 90 days ago
• Custom date
PerformerThe individual user or customer that who did the activity.• Is
• Is not
[select user or customer name]
Performer teamThe team or customer org who did the activity.• Is
• Is not
[select team or customer org name]
ReadThe activity's view status.• Is
• Is not
• Yes
• No


Filter Options for Timesheets

See the table below to view the possible filter options for Timesheets.

Please make sure to save your custom view so you are able to access it later on or share it with other users.

PropertyProperty DefinitionFilter OptionsYour Selection
NameThe name of the item the timesheet is attributed to.• Contains
• Doesn't contain
[Enter text]
Approval StatusThe status of approval on a submitted timesheet.• Is
• Is not
• Approved
• Not Approved
ProjectThe internal projects you created/named.• Is
• Is not
[select a project]
Item IDThe ID number given to an item in OneDesk.• Is
• Is more than
• Is less than
[insert a number]
Billing TypeThe billing property of the timesheet.• Is
• Is not
• Billable
• Non-Billable
Requester (Individual)The individual that requested an item.• Is
[select user or customer name]
Requester emailThe email of the individual that requested an item.• Contains[Enter text]
Requester (Organization)The user team or customer organization that requested an item.• Is
[select user team or customer organization]
AssigneeA user in OneDesk assigned to work on an item.• Is
• Is not
[select assignee]
Creation DateThe creation date of a timesheet.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
• 24 hours ago
• 7 days ago
• 30 days ago
• 90 days ago
• Custom date
Start DateThe date on which a timesheet's logged work was started.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
• 24 hours ago
• 7 days ago
• 30 days ago
• 90 days ago
• Custom date
Finish DateThe date on which a timesheet's logged work had ended.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
• 24 hours ago
• 7 days ago
• 30 days ago
• 90 days ago
• Custom date
Item typeThe item type the timesheet is logged to.• Is
• Is not
[select item type]
Item statusThe status of the item the timesheet is logged to.• Is
• Is not
[select item status]


Filter Options for Customers & Users

See the table below to view the possible filter options for Users & Customers. Note that some of these properties have customizable selections.

Please make sure to save your custom view so you are able to access it later on or share it with other users.

PropertyProperty DefinitionFilter OptionsYour Selection
CustomerA customer that has been saved or added in OneDesk.• Is
[select customer]
EmailThe email address attached to a registered user or a customer.• Contains[enter text]
PriorityThe priority assigned to a customer.• Is
• Is more than
• Is less than
• 0 stars
• 1 star
• 2 stars
• 3 stars
• 4 stars
• 5 stars
Customer OrganizationThe customer's organization name.• Is[select organization]
Customer TypeThe customer type assigned to a customer.• Is[customizable options]
• New customer
• Interested customer
• Purchased customer
Registration StatusThe registration status of a OneDesk user or customer.• Is
[select user or customer name]
Creation DateThe date in which a user or customer was created in OneDesk.• Is
• More recent than
• Older than
• 24 hours ago
• 7 days ago
• 30 days ago
• 90 days ago
• Custom date
UserA registered user in OneDesk.• Is[select user]
TeamA team of registered users in OneDesk.• Is[select team]
User TypeThe user type assigned to a registered OneDesk user.• Is[customizable options]
• Full-time
• Part-time
• Contractor
Timer RunningA user's timer is running.• Is
• Is not
• Yes
• No
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