The ability to provide a simple to understand and dedicated view of all high level product planning information in your portfolios is an asset that is often missing in basic product management software, however it is very much in demand by executives, stakeholders and managers.
OneDesk is perfect for managing multiple product portfolios, releases, projects at this high level. Simple to use, yet powerful enough to collect and display all the data needed by the high level operators of any organization and display them using our container system.
OneDesk Container Model for Product Management
These containers can house multiple types of work items, including your feedback for customer tickets, requirements and feature items for product management as well as tasks, issues and user stories for your project management teams.
Any efficient product or portfolio manager knows that being able to effectively manage and perform product planning across your portfolio has many positive benefits. For example, providing your team with an environment where you can collaborate makes decision making easier, more productive and transparent. Â This can help minimize the overall risks that one project has on the overall business plan and make sure that all stakeholders can view and be updated on progress quickly and easily.
We’ve put together a short tutorial video that will give you a short walk through of the different applications in the management overview section and their basic functionality that will help you set up your OneDesk account with these goals in mind.
What is Portfolio Management?
Benefits of Portfolio Management Systems
Positve Portfolio Management