How you can change the appearance of your OneDesk emails

OneDesk has lots of configurations to allow you to control the emails we send on your behalf.

All these options can be fond under Administration > Email settings.

These options include:

You can control the content and appearance of the emails we send. All these changes can be made inside your account under: ADMINISTRATION > EMAIL SETTINGS > APPEARANCE

Create a personalized header and signature

The header sits at the top of all emails, and the signature at the bottom. These blocks go above and below the main content of all the emails we send for you.
email appearance


Change some of the colors

If you want your background color something other than white, you can change that. We also change the background color of the bubbles for user replies and customer replies. We also let you add a border on the bubble if you want.


Modify the displayed FROM addresses for “reply” and “no-reply”

Since we need to capture any replies and thread them into your conversations, when your customer replies, it will go to us. However you can modify the address that is displayed in the ‘FROM’ field when your customer receives an email.

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