New in OneDesk: May 2024

The new release of OneDesk for May 2024 is now live! This release includes a number of features to improve your workflow and aid support.

New Key Performance Indicators

We have added new KPIs across the OneDesk Apps to surface useful information at a glance. To give you the ultimate flexibility, the KPIs have been added at both the view level and the item level. This means that if you filter your view (by month, assignee, project, or anything else) the KPIs will update to reflect what is included. As usual, the KPIs above the view can be hidden as a user preference.

New KPIs include:

Tickets: Average times to: closed/in-progress/first-reply/between replies

Tickets/Tasks/Timesheets: Work KPIs: Actual, Planned, Billable, On Invoice, Approved

Subtasks: Status, %complete, date range

Projects: Billable hours, Invoice Method, and more

Financials: Invoice/Quotes: types, status, amount, and more

Transform your Knowledgebase into a Help Forum

Exposing knowledge to your customers is a great way to help them help themselves. However there can be related questions and details that need clarifying. Now you can add discussions to your KB, allowing customer to ask questions so that you can easily answer them.

Pro tip: If you get a good question, don’t just answer it, but add the info to the original article. This will help future users and help train your AI bot too!

AI Agent – Trained on your website

Do you have content on your website that you would like to use to teach your bot how to reply to your customers? OneDesk now includes a crawler that you can use to index specified directories on your website. Once indexed, the bot can incorporate knowledge from those pages when replying to customers. Now the AI knowledge corpus can include:

  • KB Articles
  • Saved Replies
  • Previous replies to customers (by humans)
  • Web pages

If you have other content that you would like incorporated into your corpus, please let us know and we can try to help you out.

New Filters, Grouping, Columns & Sorting

There are tons of ways you can create custom views in OneDesk, and now by popular demand, there are even more. Here is a non-exhaustive list of what’s new:

New Columns:

Invoices & Quotes:  Linked Project, Portfolio

Timesheets: Invoiced to

Projects: Planned work, number of followers

Ticket, Tasks: Portfolio

Users, customers: Email address, Admin, last-login, 

New Filters: 

Invoices & Quotes:  Linked Project, Portfolio

Timesheets: by Assignee team

Projects: By your role, Is Archived, Project, 

Ticket, Tasks: Assigned to users in my teams, last responder type, has attachment, planned date

Users, customers: Activation status, 

Activities: Customer org, is Bot

New Groupings

Invoices & Quotes: By Portfolio

Reports: By invoice

Ticket, Tasks: Lifecycle State, Planned finish date


Timesheets: By Requester org, Assignee, ID, date

Flexible left side-panel

Do you want to give longer names to your view? Of course you do! Well, now the left panel can be enlarged. It will save as a user-preference.

Pay by PO

Do you want to get started with OneDesk but don’t have a company card? While we have always accepted other forms of payment, now you can set it up directly in OneDesk. Here’s how it works:

  • Select the plan you want
  • Receive a quote by email
  • Go get the quote approved
  • Upload the PO to OneDesk
  • We activate your licenses

Many Other Enhancements:

  • Configurable work-format. Now you can decide how you would like to see the work-amounts expressed: d+h+m, h+m. Note that in some places, some formats do not make sense so have not been applied.
  • Set the default conversation type (internal, public) for the mobile friendly app.
  • Bulk edit timesheets service type.
  • New permission level to restrict archiving and deleting in different items-apps.
  • For each customer app, you can now determine if enter sends the message or adds a new line (People are surprisingly split on this question!)
  • Preview links for articles added to a live KB category.
  • Planned Work on the MFA customer portal.
  • Import KB articles to beef up your Knowledgebase and AI corpus.
  • Improved ordering of conditional custom fields on the MFA webforms.
  • Flat list view for users and customers.
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