Project Time & Billing

Project Time & Billing

Gain insights, log progress, and reliably bill clients. Get feature-rich project time & billing with OneDesk.

PSA time tracking for client projects

Track your project time

OneDesk is an all-in-one solution for managing your projects from creation to delivery. Capture and work on support tickets and project tasks for each of your clients.  Time logged on tickets and tasks roll up to the project level. 

Project billing solution

Ensure your project time & billing is simple yet accurate. OneDesk supports billing for prepaid hours, billable, time, and fixed fee projects.  Create the project for the relevant customer, set the invoice method, then bill when ready. 

Keep projects profitable

OneDesk offers a feature -rich solution or project time, billing, and tracking. Plan and manage project tasks using the Gantt chart, Kanban board, subtasks, and resource management tools. As your team logs time you can monitor your budget in real-time. 

Explore the benefits of project time & billing software

Unlock all the benefits of  the OneDesk project time and billing solution. 


No more switching between apps. OneDesk provides project tracking and billing in one.

Saves time

Generate new quotes and invoices for your projects in seconds.

Ensure profitability

Monitor you progress and budget in real-time.

Increase efficiency

Manage your project plans, time, and invoicing with an efficient solution.

Customer experience

Improve the customer experiences with accurate and professional invoices.


Customize your project tracking & billing with flexible rates, properties, and more.

Common questions about project time & billing

The most effective way to track project time is to use a project time tracking software. A tool like OneDesk allows you to create project tasks and easily track time with a built-in timer and timesheets. Time is automatically logged to the project and you can sort, group, bill, and use these time logs as needed.  There are other benefits such as the ability to monitor workload, or compare plans vs. actuals. 

Get started free

14 day free trial. No credit card required. 

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