Do you remember playing the ‘telephone game‘ as a child? If so, you’ll remember that when a word or phrase is passed along ear to ear, it can get distorted and change to the point that it becomes unrecognizable from the original. Don’t let your product development cycle turn into a game of guesswork for you and your team; it’s easy to perform requirements validation.
Allow clients to submit, validate and review their product requirements easily at any stage with OneDesk’s Customer portal.
You can now use OneDesk to publish requirements to the customer portal for approval, keeping them up to date on any status or detail changes which helps to ensure the success and satisfaction of all stakeholders.
Nobody wins when a customer is unsatisfied with what they receive so your requirement verification process should be easy, simple and as hassle free as possible to avoid miscommunication and disappointment.
You can publish a requirement to the portal for customer in one click by simply checking off of “published” checkbox in your requirements properties in the application.
Your customer will then be able to log in to the portal to discuss, clarify or approve any of the requirements that you have published.
Each customer can be sorted into separate accounts, allowing you to limit the visibility of requirements between each one.
If you have any questions about how much you can customize your requirements validation process with OneDesk’s Customer Portal then be sure to comment and let us know!