Office 365 Help Desk

Provide efficient support and resolution with a full-featured help desk integrated with Office 365.

One-click integration

Integrate your O365 support email account in just one quick & easy step. 

MS Office 365 ticketing

Effectively manage your email tickets with robust ticket views, automations, and more. 

Automatic email-to-ticket

Once integrated, tickets are automatically created from email. All the necessary information is captured.

Connect multiple inboxes

Have multiple departments? Different services? Integrate all your support inboxes and manage everything in one place.

E-post till biljett

O365 email ticketing system

Email alone lacks features to optimally manage and track support requests. A help desk for O365 provides a suite of features to efficiently resolve email tickets and automate support processes. Fully integrate your support inbox(es) to create tickets from email. 

Create tickets from Office 365

Directly connect your Office 365 support inbox to the OneDesk ticketing system. Integration is a simple on-click process using OAuth. Customers send their requests to your email address. Then, tickets are automatically created in the OneDesk ticketing system. Track, manage, and resolve all tickets in OneDesk. 

arbetsvy för delad inkorg
hjälpdesk biljettsamarbete

Respond from your O365 address

Your whole team can respond to customer tickets from OneDesk. Emails are sent to your customers’ inbox via your own O365 support account (SMTP).  Using an integrated Office 365 help desk gives customers clarity and trust when interacting with your team.

Manage multiple support inboxes

Have multiple departments or support inboxes? OneDesk allows you to integrate multiple O365 accounts. You can set different rules based on each email account. For instance, create different ticket types depending on the inbox. Or, triage tickets to the right department based on the email’s origin.

flexibelt biljettsystem

Top features: Office 365 help desk system

Take control of your support processes with OneDesk.

Visibility & accountability

Enable clarity on the status and progress of all customer requests. Each request can be assigned to an agent, contains a history of activities, and clear indicators of priority, progress, and status. Agents always know what they are accountable for and managers know what needs to be actioned. 

email ticket details
helpdesk arbetsvyer

Get a full picture of requests

Never lose track of requests. See key indicators from your default ticket view. Easily filter, sort, or group to drill down to the data you need. Save your custom work views for later. Switch between each work view as needed. 

Save time in your workflow

Streamline your workflows and improve your ticket resolution time with automations. Automations are customizable rules that perform various actions. Automatically:

  • Assign tickets
  • Send responses
  • Update statuses
  • and much more!
helpdesk automatiska svar

Gather actionable feedback

Monitor team performance and gather actionable data based on customer feedback. Automatically send out surveys on resolved tickets. The survey is sent directly to the customer, allowing them to rate their satisfaction and add comments.

Improve support processes

Improve your support processes over time. Use real-time charts and graphs to track key performance indicators such as workload, resolution times, and customer satisfaction. Schedule reports to extract data about tickets. Customize reports by choosing the groupings, filters, date range, and more. 


Try OneDesk free

Get started today. Completely free for 14 days. 

Frequently asked questions about O365 help desk

An Office 365 ticketing system is a tool that integrates with an O365 email account. The system creates tickets automatically when emails are received. In comparison to email alone, a O365 ticketing system provides more robust features to measure, track, and streamline support. 

A Office 365 help desk should first and foremost allow for direct connection to a O365 account. This connection should create tickets from incoming emails. Other features to look out for include:

  • Custom ticket views
  • Automation tools such as automated responses and triaging. 
  • Reporting and metrics.
  • Customer satisfaction surveys.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

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