The all new OneDesk customer portal

In the latest version of OneDesk we have made big changes and new features to the customer portal. Since there is a lot you can do, this post will walk you through what’s new (and what’s old) about the customer portal.

Customizable forms on the Customer Portal:

A very very popular request we received was to allow customized ticket submission form on the customer portal. Well here you go!

Improved appearance customization:

New ways to control who sees what on the portal.

Since every company wants to do a slightly different thing when it comes to showing tickets, knowledge-base articles or project tasks on their customer portal, it is critical that we provide very flexible controls for this. At the same time, the greater the complexity of the controls, the more difficult it is to explain how to set up the portal. In this release we took a step back and re-organized the way we explain our customer portal options. We also added a few new options to cover a few customer use-cases that have come up. While I am sure there are still a few “edge cases” that we have not covered, we have made big improvements here.

Allow visitors to …

view previously submitted items
This turns on the ability to view tickets in the portal. if you just want a ticket submission form, turn this off.

submit new items: when logged in / when not logged in / never
This control lets you decide if your visitors can submit new tickets, and if so, if they need to log in to do so.

What can the customer do on the portal?

Register themselves
This option allows the user to sign up and create an account on the customer portal. If your portal is invitation-only, uncheck this.

Follow items
This option allows visitors to add themselves as followers on tickets or other items. When they are followers, they will be notified of any new “public” comments posted on this ticket.

See the status of an item
This will show the current status of the ticket to the visitor. If you prefer to keep this information private, uncheck this.

filter by item type / project / status
These options show filter links on the left sidebar of the portal. For example, they can click the project name and see the items that are in that project.

Note: A given filter option will only appear if there would be a result for the visitor if they clicked that link. So for example if the visitor does not have access to any items in “project-A”, then there will be no link for “project-A” in the side-panel for them.

What items can the visitor see on the portal?
Require login to see items
If this is checked, then the visitor must log in to see items. If unchecked, then they can view the items anonymously. You must check this box if you want different visitors to see different things. See next option.

Visitor is allowed to see:

Visitors can always see their own items. If this is checked, then the requester of an item will still be able to see it on the portal, even if it is not marked as “published” and regardless of the project it is in. These will appear under the “my items” link on the customer portal for the users. For an item to be visible to other users it must be flagged as published.

Items in archived projects are not visible and when you archive a project they become “unpublished” so you will need to republish them if you unarchive a project and want them visible on the portal again.

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