OneDesk – Getting Started: Task Prioritization, Scoring & Planning


OneDesk allows you to score, prioritize, and plan your tasks easily. All of this can be done from the task detail panel.

To open up a task’s detail panel, double click on the ID number assigned to the task. Alternatively, you can select the task you’d like to view details about then click Tools at the top and select Dock Detail Panels on the Right.

In the detail panel, you can prioritize the task by using a 5-star rating system. Simply click and select the star priority level for this task. If you use a different prioritization scale, you can create a custom field to encompass it and hide the 5-star priority from the detail panel.

You can also assign agile points by entering the number of points you’d like to dedicate to this task. This number will be tallied in the project that contains this task.

In the detail panel, you can click on the planned schedule to set work time for this task. In the pop-up, select the effort it would take in terms of days or hours. You can also set a planned cost, or use the calculated planned cost based on the assigned agent’s cost per hour. Click to plan dates for the task and set date constraints if desired.

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