User Configuration Options

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To see and manage your users in your OneDesk account, just click the users icon down here on the left bar. This launches your users application, shows you a list of your users grouped into their teams.

As you can see, a user can be in more than one team. You can also create your own views to group, filter and sort your different users. Just click this icon here. There are other videos that cover that subject.

If you’d like to see the details of user, just click the actions menu next to them and click ‘user details’. I’m going to dock this panel on the side. As you scroll down the panel, you’ll see a bunch of things about your user. These are details, custom fields, permissions, their preferences about notifications, the projects that are member of and so on. Let me show you how you can modify this.

Under ‘Administration > users” you’ll find all the different options for modifying your users. You can turn on multiple types of users, give them a name, change their icon, and change the color of the icon. You can even turn them off if you’d like. This way, after you create a new user, you can choose should it be a full time, a part time, or a contractor user.

You can also add custom fields to your user. As you may have seen before, we pre-created the ‘seniority’ custom field. We don’t don’t want to make use of it. We can either delete it or just turn it off. We can also create our own custom field by clicking ‘create custom field’. Let’s say we want one for ‘department’. I will choose the type is ‘choice’; it’s going to be on our users; it’s going to be at all projects; and we’ll choose marketing, dev, sales. When we click ‘create’, we get a message that a custom field with this name already exists. You can’t have duplicate names on custom fields. For now I’m just going to change it to ‘department2’ so that it will work, but I can also go and delete the other custom field to make this work. I click ‘create’ and my custom field has been created.

Now if I go back to my user panel, I scroll to the bottom. I’ll see if I have department2 and seniority has gone. I can select which department this user belongs to.

Now let’s go back to the user configuration panel. I can also decide which properties I’d like to show on this detail panel. Maybe I don’t like the key performance indicators being shown. I can hide those. Maybe I’m never going to use the user’s address. I can get rid of that as well. So if I get rid of a bunch of stuff, this cleans up the panel.

Let me go back to my user detail panel and show you how that looks now. You can see there are a lot less properties on there. The entire user details section has been removed.

I showed you before that there’s user notification preferences and user permissions. We have other videos covering these things. So if you’re curious on how to set permissions and set notification preferences for users, check those videos out.

Thanks a lot.

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