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We are featured on Social Media Today!

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OneDesk has been featured on Social Media Today. In his article, Social Media – Changing the Nature of “Product Requirements” Forever, Hollis Tibbetts, Principal Analyst at Artemis Ventures LLC, highlights the importance of social media technology in the product development process and discusses “best practices” for successfully developing and bringing customer-centric products to market.

Here is what Hollis Tibbetts had to say about OneDesk:

“OneDesk leverages social media to connect customers, employees and partners to the product development process. I’m most familiar with software development; however, all products have requirements. What I like about it the most is that it captures ideas – comments, suggestions, input that would otherwise be lost. And it’s a continuous process – not just a one-shot “let’s gather requirements for the next few months.”

We invite you to read this article and share your thoughts with our readers.

Thanks again to Hollis Tibbets for his excellent insights.

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