What is a web survey?
The obstacles of the web survey
Businesses invest in web survey tools in hopes of obtaining quick, clear and objective information from their customers. To do this, the survey must be carefully designed. Questions asked must be clear, for if the respondent is unable to understand a question, the data is neither valid nor reliable. Questions must also be phrased in a way that minimizes interpretation problems and the language used must be understandable by those being surveyed. While a web survey, when carefully crafted, does lead to positive results, it can be challenging and time-consuming to build, and decipher.
OneDesk: An alternative to the web survey
OneDesk makes surveying easier. This web-based software come with a customer feedback application, which customers can use to submit feedback to your company, answer polls you create, and vote on feedback. Gone are the days where you have to spend a lot of time deciphering your customers’ answers. If a feedback is unclear, simply use OneDesk’s social collaboration tools to immediately communicate with the customer and get clear answers. OneDesk also allows you to link feedback to requirements and obtain objective information as to which ones to implement.
Find out more information about OneDesk’s customer portal. You can also read about OneDesk’s requirements analysis tools.