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Workplace Organization With The Collaboration Inbox

It’s a no-brainer – workplace organization i.e, keeping everyone in your company organized – is crucial. Lack of workplace organization can lead to negative consequences. Some of the effects may include forgotten appointments, unmet deadlines, lack of task priorities. Additionally, searching for misplaced information can cause individuals to lose track of time and not complete important work tasks. Moreover, workplace organization keeps all team members on the same page.

How OneDesk’s collaboration inbox facilitates workplace organization

OneDesk’s collaboration inbox is designed to facilitate workplace organization. With it, your team members can collaborate in real-time, and always be on the same page.

The collaboration inbox consists of a status bar that sits at the left of the interface and is always visible no matter where you are in the application. The status bar can be expanded to display an “outlook-like” sidebar with panels for each category of your collaboration.

With the collaboration inbox, you can:

Send messages to your team members
OneDesk’s message inbox allows you to easily send messages to your teammates, as well as receive messages from them.

To send a message:


Get notified when you receive requests OneDesk features a simple workflow system which lets users request information from each other. When another OneDesk user invites you to join a sharespace or sends you a cost or work estimate, they will arrive in the collaboration inbox under requests.

Stay updated on your teammates’ blogs OneDesk has built-in blogging tools which allow team members to publish posts and discuss their thoughts and ideas. You may choose to follow your teammate’s blogs. In doing so, you will be notified whenever they update their blogs. Notifications will show up under blogs.

Immediately know when a discussion or an item you are following has been updated OneDesk allows you to follow/subscribe to items and receive notification in your collaboration inbox as soon as there is a change or addition to the item you are following. You may follow changes made to blogs, discussions, item changes, feedback, requirements or tasks. This allows you to immediately get notified as soon as there is any item that is important to you changes.

Collaborate and chat with your teammates in real-time OneDesk makes it easy for you to communicate with your teammates and keep up-to-date on what they are working on.

A contact list can be found at the bottom of your collaboration inbox. Here, you can view all your contacts and see their online status. OneDesk’s built-in instant messaging system allows you to chat with your teammates in real-time. Through the contacts list, you can also send a message to a user, read their blog, and view their public profile and calendar.

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