OneDesk – Getting Started: Work Structure & Organization


OneDesk enables you to structure and organize your work with projects, portfolios, folders, and views.

  • Use portfolios to organize your projects
  • Use projects to group your items together and share them with others
    and folders to organize tickets and tasks within the project.
  • You can customize your views to present your information how you want to see it.

You should think of projects as the main level of organizing your items. Folders allow you to create structure underneath that level, and portfolios to organize above that level.

You can place projects into portfolios and portfolios into portfolios. One good practice could be to name portfolios after individual customers, so that projects you do for those customers can be organized together.

To create a portfolio, click on the Add button at the top and select portfolio. Give it a name and select a parent portfolio if needed. Then click ‘Create portfolio’.

You can create a folder with the Add button at the top or insert it using the action menu in the grid. Another way to create a folder is to select the tickets or tasks you want to add into the new folder, click the action menu, and click ‘Indent Items’. This will create a new folder with all the selected items inside of it.

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